1 Transporter[6]1 Notfall-Transporter[6]1 Fracht-Transporter[3] Defiant Class Starship. The prototype Defiant performed poorly on its trial runs, the vessel was overpowered and over-gunned for a ship of its size. (Star Trek: Unity One), On Brandenburger Tor, a series of uprated Defiant-class escorts was constructed that were nicknamed the "Field Marshals". The Defiant-class starship was a heavily-armed, limited-role Starfleet vessel, developed in response to the Borg threat as originally encountered in 2365, and spurred on by the shocking results of the Battle of Wolf 359 in 2367.With the knowledge that existing weaponry and defenses would be inadequate to meet this threat, it was recognized that a new type of starship was … 2 x Arbeitsbiene[3] The USS Defiant (NX-74205) is a fictional starship in the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9) and the feature film Star Trek: First Contact. Hangaranzahl The Defiant class starship was originally designed by Imperial Engineers, but most of the plans for this ship were lost after the New Republic managed to capture Kuat, though the Imperials managed to keep the prototype of the Defiant. Soyuz class. Starfleet abandoned the project due to design flaws and the seemingly-decreased Borg threat. While the Rebels couldn't acquire full schematics, they were still able to build quite a few of these ships and add them to their navy. Hot on the heels of the tragedy of Wolf 359, Starfleet Command clamoured to come up with a new starship design. Da die Probleme mit der neuen Klasse vorerst unüberwindbar erscheinen, werden die Arbeiten am Prototyp eingestellt. The study vechicle, designated the Pathfinder NXP-2365WP/T, was designed to be a fast torpedo attack ship. Klasse The starship was developed at the Antares Fleet Yards and was the first vessel Starfleet ever developed purely as a warship. Like all Starfleet ships however, in extreme emergencies, the transporter buffer could be … Materie-Antimaterie-Reaktion[3] With the Borg moments away from eliminating the birthplace of humanity multiple times in the last century, the … Originally developed to combat the Borg (which the U.S.S. viel mehr[14]) Its one tough little ship, and here at Starbase 611, we’re proud of it. 3.4 Warp Engines The USS Defiant has a Class-7 warp drive. A little, yet extremely powerful class of starship, The Defiant Class would redefine the preconceived notions of the Federation, and help shape Starfleet back into an organization that can protect itself and Federation citizens. The starship began development at the Antares Ship Yards in 2366 during the Federation-Cardassian War as a warship concept test. The bridge contains the typical complement of control stations, with the addition of a redundant tactical station designed to handle increased weapons system crew workloads. 35[5] - 50[10] (Standard 40)[3]192 (aufgestockt)[3] 1 History 2 Special features 3 Onboard tactical systems 3.1 Offensive capabilities 3.2 Defensive capabilities 4 Command and senior staff 5 Propulsion systems 5.1 Warp drive 5.2 Impulse drive 6 Computer systems 6.1 Emergency … Hilfsschiffe Although officially designated as an escort, the Defiant ships were the first type of starship Starfleet ever created as a dedicated-purpose warship, and they are sometimes referred to as destroyers.. See the template to the right for a list of playable starships and NPC mobs in Star Trek Online based on the Defiant. Warp 9,2[6] - 9,5 (Standard-Maximum)[1]Warp 9,982 (für 12 Std. The class-7 warp drive was extremely powerful for a ship of this size, and as such, Defiant-class vessels put out a warp signature equivalent to much larger starships. Though the original Defiant met its demise in a battle with the Tholians, a new Defiant-class ship was given to Captain Sisko toward the end of the Dominion War. The Raptor Class of starship was born out of the 'failings' of the Defiant Class starship. Starfleet began developing the Defiant-class starship as a means of defense against the Borg in the wake of the massacre at Wolf 359 and near-assimilation of Earth in 2367.Starfleet abandoned the project due to design flaws and the seemingly-decreased Borg threat. Two vessels of the new family joined a Nebula-class starship in retaking the Prometheus multi-vector prototype attack ship from Romulan capture in 2373. The Defiant-class was a type of Federation starship in use by Starfleet from the 24th century into the 25th century. The rated maximum speed of the warp engines is 9.5. [17], Das fast fertiggestellte Raumschiff wird anschließend eingelagert und wartet auf seine Fertigstellung. Starfleet, feeling the pressures of the Borg and the new threat of the Dominion, decided that they needed to increase the number of Starships quickly. History. Starfleet began developing the Defiant-class starship as a means of defense against the Borg in the wake of the massacre at Wolf 359 and near- assimilation of Earth in 2367. USS Warspite: Unknown Appears in the novel Star Trek: The Fall – A Ceremony of Losses. 4 und 5 montiert sind.[3]. Vorräte The Defiant-class is a heavily armored, limited-role Starfleet vessel developed due to the threat of the Borg. In addition to … The Defiant-class starship was officially classified as an escort, but began development in 2366 as a small, highly-powered, heavily-armed starship intended to defend the Federation against the Borg. The Defiant-class starship, officially classified as an escort, began development in 2366 as a small, highly-powered, heavily-armed warship intended to defend the Federation against the Borg.The was the first of what was to be a new Federation battle fleet being prepared to counter the Borg. One of them was USS Rommel. Zugehörigkeit Although officially designated as an escort, the Defiant ships were the first type of starship Starfleet ever created as a dedicated-purpose warship, and they are sometimes referred to as destroyers.. The USS Iowa was officially relaunched as a Defiant Class starship on stardate 1101.01 (January1, 2011). The USS Defiant (NX-74205) was the first of what was to be a new Federation battle fleet. Of the 42 ships only none survived the attack. Defiant Class. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Historisches The development of the starship started in 2367, just after the disastrous Battle of Wolf 359. Defiant-Class Starship By Reggie's Take on December 5, 2012. The Defiant-class was a type of Federation starship in use by Starfleet from the 24th century into the 25th century. Torpedoart 150[3] NCC-1764. The Defiant Class of starship was born in what has been called the darkest hour in Starfleet's history, the 1 st Borg incursion and the battle of Wolf 359. Hülle Torpedorampen Defiant-class The Defiant-class was a type of Federation starship in use in the 24th century, the first Starfleet vessel created purely for warfare. See the template to the right for a list of playable starships and NPC mobs in Star Trek Online based on … Erst als die Bedrohung durch das Dominion aufkommt, wird das Raumschiff wieder reaktiviert, man nimmt einige Modifikationen am Schiff vor und stellt es trotz diverser Mängel 2370 in Dienst. The Defiant class was originally conceived as a response to the Borg menace. [10] Die insgesamt sieben direkt feuernden Torpedorohre vom Modell Mk-75[12] können nicht nur normale Photonen-, sondern auch neue Quantentorpedos abschießen. 2[3] 1 6-Photonentorpedo-Sprengkopf-Sektion[3] RKS-Düsen[3] Spezifikationen 2377 wird die USS Stalwart in den aktiven Dienst gestellt. Defiant-class bridge. Starfleet abandoned the project due to design flaws and the seemingly-decreased Borg threat. Decks However, when the Federation learned of the threat posed by the Dominion in 2370, the prototype USS Defiant was … Höhe However, in the case of the Defiant Class, it was only the beginning, as when in late 2370, an encounter with a new government in the gamma Quadrant knowns as the Dominion, would reinforce Starfleet and the federation’s belief in continuing to upgrade and prepare it’s starship designs for combat and Benjamin Sisko, now a Commander, while debriefing at Starfleet … Most have interchangable parts. History. Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten[17] The new Valiant was put into active service just one year later as a Sovereign class starship. Beladung Klasse-2-Sensoren[6] Schiffe, die seither aktiv sind, verbleiben im Dienst der Sternenflotte. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G) (Excalibur class). Memory Beta Wiki ist eine Fandom-TV-Community. Soyuz class. Warp 6,0[6] - 7,0[1] From UFStarfleet Wiki. Die Defiant-Klasse ist eine Raumschiffsklasse der Vereinigten Föderation der Planeten. Defiant-class in Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: First Contact, and Voyager. [3], In der Utopia-Planitia-Flottenwerft wird ein Expertenteam gegründet, zu dem auch Benjamin Lafayette Sisko gehört, um diese neue Schiffsklasse zu kreieren. 50[11] Typ-V-Photonentorpedos[1]50[11] Mark-I-Quantentorpedos[13] (tlw. Die Torpedorampen befinden sich einfach vorne am Deflektor, zweifach achtern auf Deck 4 an den hinteren Gondelansätzen und vierfach auf der vorderen Hülle. Although officially designated as an escort, the Defiant ships were the first type of starship Starfleet ever created as a dedicated-purpose warship, and they are sometimes referred to as destroyers. Nach dem Ende des Dominion-Kriegs werden Schiffe der Defiant-Klasse für Eskortmissionen und Grenzpatrouillen eingesetzt. Shuttlehangar 2400[17] The Defiant-class Tactical Escort is a Tier 4 (Level 30) Escort which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. Mit einer kleinen Flotte von Raumschiffen gelingt es der Enterprise unter Picards Kommando, die Defiant wieder zu erobern. Technische Ausrüstung Riker's legendary quip about a “tough little ship” perfectly encapsulates the Defiant-class's ability to contain such overpowered weapons and defensive shields within such a small spaceframe. [19] In jenem Jahr kommt es bei Wolf 359 zu einer verheerenden Schlacht gegen die Borg, bei der 39 Raumschiffe zerstört oder schwer beschädigt werden. Defiant Legendary Pilot Warship The Federation Defiant -class starship is a set of starship classes which include the U.S.S. After the Borg attack, the prototype was quickly finalized and entered official testing. In the mirror universe, the Jadzia was a Defiant class warship constructed by the Terran Rebellion based on the Starfleet Defiant-class starships from the primary universe. Manövrier-düsenanzahl See more ideas about Star trek ships, Star trek starships, Star trek universe. 355.000 MT[3] Defiant-Class Ship. al; Star Trek: First Contact), The experimental energy weapon NX Destructor was originally developed for the Defiant class, but only a few ships of the class were equipped with the weapon. Related: Star Trek: The Defiant's Original Name (& Why DS9 Changed It) The DS9 season 6 episode "Valiant" also introduced the USS Valiant, an identical Defiant-class ship crewed by Starfleet's Red Squad cadets that was destroyed in a battle with the Dominion. (DS9: "The Search, Part I"), During the Dominion War, Joran Belar, who was involved in the development of the Defiant class got the command over another prototype of the Defiant class, the USS Escort. Defiant-class The Defiant-class was a type of Federation starship in use in the 24th century, the first Starfleet vessel created purely for warfare. It is the third Defiant-class ship and comes to be known simply as the Defiant, except this one has shield generators specifically designed to counteract Breen weaponry. Zu dieser Zeit tuen die Schiffe der Defiant-Klasse bereits seit fast 30 Jahren ihren Dienst. Before Star Trek: Picard resumed the continuity of the TV show and subsequent movies, numerous short stories, novels, and video … The Defiant class was initiated in 2365 as a crash programme to develop a starship capable of fighting and defeating the Borg. Werft(en) The Defiant class starship is equipped with its own auxiliary spacecraft: it carried up to four shuttlepods and one Type-lO shuttlecraft which was located in the shuttlebay on decks 3 and 4 directly below the bridge. [3] Die oberen vorderen Werfer werden meist für Quantentorpedos im Raumkampf genutzt,[18] die vorderen unteren für das planetare Bombardement mit Quantentorpedos,[20] der vordeste für das Starten von Sonden[21] und die hinteren für Photonentorpedos im Raumkampf. The Defiant-Class ship is a class of small Federation starship. The design incorporated several new weapons concepts, including the Quantum torpedo and phaser pulse cannon. Als die Flotte die Region verlässt, entdecken die Sensoren der Defiant und der Enterprise ein vulkanisches Schiff, das mit den Romulanern paktiert. Impulstrieb-werkanzahl StarTrek.com. The warp core spanned three decks in the aft section of the ship. The design incorporated several new weapons concepts, including the Quantum torpedo and phaser pulse cannon. The USS Sao Paulo (initially NCC-75633-A, later NX-74205-A)1 was a 24th century Federation starship, a Defiant-class destroyer in Starfleet service from the 2370s decade.2 In the 2400s, the ship underwent a refit that made it the Sao Paulo-class tactical escort prototype.1 (ST video games: Armada, Star Trek Online) 1 Service history and … Auch ist vorne an der Deflektorschüssel und oben in der Mitte jeweils ein normaler Phaser angebracht. Dispose de chaque plate-forme et système central à bord. Flotte FSQ-Schutzschilde[8] Manövrier-system Warpsystem Defiant Class Starship; Classification: Heavy Escort: Role: Defense / Patrol / Escort Shipyards: Initial Production Run Ended Production Dates: 2371-2374: Standard Refit: 1 Years Recommended Overhaul: 5 Years Offensive Rating: 39.24 Defensive Rating: 57.81 Total Rating: 97.05 Dimensions: Hull: Duranium-Tritanium Double Hull Armor: 20 cm Ablative Length: 119.48 meters Beam … Federation starships The Defiant-class was one of many new Starfleet classes developed in response to the Borg threat following Starfleet's tragic losses in the Battle of Wolf 359. STARSHIP; Jadzia; Class: Defiant class warship Affiliation: Terran Rebellion. 3[1] Typ-VIII-[11]/Typ-X-Phaseremitter[1] 11,000 lives were lost that day and Starfleet was left in shambles. Rettungs-kapseln 2372 wird das Schiff jedoch aus unbekannten Gründen an der Grenze zur Cardassianischen Union vernichtet.[6]. The presence of the Defiant class in Star Trek Timelines was first revealed in the Reveal: USS Defiant in Star Trek Timelines dev blog . Ablativpanzerung[6] 3 (Unterseite)[3] Ja (Abschuss des Sprengkopf-Moduls)[3] Als drei Warbirds der romulanischen D'deridex-Klasse erscheinen, die das Schiff überwältigen können, werden Sikso und die Crew der Defiant gefangen genommen. The Federation Defiant-class starship is a set of starship classes which include the U.S.S. Einige Tage später wird die USS Enterprise-D abkommandiert, um nach der verschwundenen Defiant zu suchen, und findet die Crew auf einer romulanischen Sternenbasis. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Computer-system L’affichage central de l’ordinateur de l’U.S.S Defiant’s starship de Star Trek Deep Space Nine Series. The Defiant class was originally conceived as a response to the Borg menace. Warpgondel-anzahl (DS9: "Valiant", et. Die ersten Testflüge, die mit dem fertiggestellten Prototypen durchgeführt werden, sind ernüchternd, da ein schwerer Entwicklungsfehler hierbei offen zu Tage tritt: Der Antrieb ist zwar leistungsstark und macht das Schiff äußerst wendig, allerdings ist er für die Größe des Schiffes überdimensioniert. [19], Die große Wendigkeit beeinträchtigt bei stark belastenden Manövern derartig das vorhandene Strukturelle Integritätsfeld, dass das Schiff bei diesen Tests schon bei niedrigen Warpfaktoren auseinander zu brechen droht. It was developed in response to the Borg threat as originally encountered in 2365. Passagiere Je ein oberer und unterer mittlerer Traktorstrahlprojektor sind in. Transporter Hersteller (DS9: \"The Search, Part I\", \"One Little Ship\") When energy was diverted from the weapons' ready reserves, a Defiant-class ship could achieve the speed of warp 9.5. The Defiant class starship, USS Valiant NCC-74210 was destroyed in the year 2374 by the Jem'Hadar after a failed attempt to destroy a new Dominion Battleship class vessel. The Defiant-class starship was a heavily-armed, limited-role Starfleet vessel, a warship, the first Starfleet ever truly designed. 1 Battle Actions; 2 Advancement; 3 Schematic Drops; 4 Gallery; 5 External … The presence of the Defiant class in Star Trek Timelines was first revealed in the Reveal: USS Defiant in Star Trek Timelines dev blog. Die Werferspulen-Baugruppe, der Gasgenerator, der Torpedotransporter und der Reaktionsstofflader selbst gehören Standard-Modellen an. Right now it is a crew of one but plans are in the works to change that! The starship began development at the Antares Ship Yards in 2366 during the Federation-Cardassian War as a warship concept test. Sensoren Defiant-Klasse Valiant NCC-74210 , proved infamous when it was caught behind the lines at war's outbreak and its trainees filled in for its dead seven officers for eight months until they too perished in combat in 2374. Rising hostilities with the Dominion threw the USS Defiant into active service and it wa… DEFIANT CLASS STARSHIP United Federation of Planets. Impulssystem Traktorstrahl Perhaps the most famous Defiant class vessel is the USS Defiant, the class' prototype. It goes on to fly in the Battle of Cardassia, which ends the Dominion War. The Defiant-Class is a fictional class of starship in the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and the feature film Star Trek: First Contact.The Defiant-class was designed by James Martin under the direction of Herman Zimmerman and Gary Hutzel and introduced to the TV series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine in its third season. The project officially began in 2366 by Starfleet’s Advanced Starship Design Bureau. The transporter pads were much smaller than that found on other starships of the time and could not accommodate as many people at one time in its standard configuration. Other Included Variants. Klassifi-zierung 5[9] Hangar Of the 42 ships only none survived the attack. The Defiant nearly shook itself apart … The Defiant is a prototype warship stationed at Deep Space 9 that was in-part designed by Commander Benjamin Sisko himself. Länge In 2256, the Defiant was assigned to patrol Sector 006 during the Federation-Klingon War. Work on the Defiant Project began in 2366 by Starfleet's Advanced Starship Design Bureau (ASDB) at Utopia Planitia and constructed at the Antares Fleet Yards. https://stexpanded.fandom.com/wiki/Defiant_class?oldid=293412. Defiant Class Starship *Faction: Federation *Operational Status: Currently in Service *Production Status: In Production *Registry Range: NCC 75--- Design Specifications *Type: Escort & Patrol *Overall Length: 120 Meters *Beam: 90 Meters *Draft: 25 Meters *Mass: 355.000 Metric Tons *Decks: 4 Designed … After the Borg attack, the prototype was quickly finalized and … 119,5[8] - 170,68 Meter[3] The project was officially begun in 2366 by Starfleet's Advanced Starship Design Bureau (ASDB) under less then ideal conditions, as far as the accepted normal sequence of research, development, testing, and evaluation … [5] Die USS Gallant ist eines der ersten neuen Schiffe der Defiant-Klasse. In Dienst 4 Typ-XII-Pulsphaser[8] For other uses, see USS Sao Paulo. And so the Defiant Class was born… The Defiant Class began development in 2366 as a small, immensely powered and heavily armed warship designed to fight and defeat the Borg. The Defiant-class starship, officially classified as an escort, began development in 2366 as a small, highly-powered, heavily-armed warship intended to defend the Federation against the Borg.The was the first of what was to be a new Federation battle fleet being prepared to counter the Borg. The cadet trainer U.S.S. Reisege-schwindigkeit (Star Trek: Unity One), When the Defiant proved her value in combat against the Dominion, Starfleet commissioned other vessels of the class, many of which played decisive parts in the Dominion War and later conflicts with the Borg. Schild However, the expected Borg invasion never materialised and the prototype USS Defiant spent much of its time in space dock due to design flaws. Mit an Bord befindet sich Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Sisko. From UFStarfleet Wiki. Bewaffnung Die Entwicklung der Defiant-Klasse geht auf das Defiant-Entwicklungsprogramm aus dem Jahre 2366 mit dem Namen NXP-2365WP/T zurück. An existing spaceframe design with conventional saucer-engineering-nacelle arrangement was the starting point of the Defiant design. Schiffe dieser Klasse sind als Schwere Eskortschiffe und Schlachtschiffe konzipiert. Breite 4 x Typ-18-Shuttlekapsel(Maximum)[3] Disruptoren NXP-2365WP/T[3] > Photo Cr: startrek.com 11 of 47 37. 2370[6] But what was the design history of this class? It … Einige Schiffe werden als Transporter für diverse Güter in den Hauptflotten eingesetzt. Defiant Class. Schiffe dieser Klasse sind als Schwere Eskortschiffe und Schlachtschiffe konzipiert. The Defiant Class Starship is equipped with a battle-ready bridge for shipwide systems control. Dec 17, 2019 - Explore Anthony Mabbott's board "Defiant Class" on Pinterest. ja[6] [10] Neben einer 16-Photonentorpedo-Sprengkopf-Selbstzerstörung, die mit der Ausschüttung der Materie- und Antimaterie-Tankinhalte einhergeht, und speziell ergänztbaren Waffensystemen wie Selbstreplizierenden Minen verfügt die Defiant-Klasse über die Fähigkeit, ihren vordesten Abschnitt als mit sechs Photonentorpedo-Sprengköpfen beladenen großen Sprengkopf mit eigenem Miniatur-Impulsantrieb abzuschießen. It was designed to be a new type of warship created to fight the Borg but later revived to fight the Dominion War. [18] Als man in der Antares-Flottenwerft mit dem Bau des Prototypen, der USS Defiant, beginnt,[4] sind viele Probleme und Rückschläge zu verzeichnen. The Jellyfish The Jellyfish is a Vulcan starship from the 24th century seen in Star Trek (2009). The class was the first that Starfleet ever developed purely as a warship—but for years following the Borg's early incursions, the expected invasion never materialized—the prototype USS Defiant spent much of its time in space dock in the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. 10[11] CHAPTER THREE - Power and Propulsion. … Einsatzplanung • Shipyard Operations[2] • Advanced Starship Design Bureau[3] This particular type of ship class was a rescued project from the Utopia Planitia Ship Yards by Captain Benjamin Sisko. The USS Defiant was the first of what was to be a new Federation … [10], Neben Schutzschilden können Schiffe dieser Klasse zumindest teilweise auf eine Ablativpanzerung zum Schutz vor Beschuss zurückgreifen. Jump to: navigation, search. In addition, the Defiant carried two types of escape pods, a six-person and an eight-person version; there were 26 of the six-person model and each escape pod could … Sternenflotte[1] Players can obtain this starship … The Defiant-class starship is a small, dedicated warship used by the United Federation of Planets.Initially developed for battle against the Borg, the Defiant-class was born out of the rash of technical developments and innovations that swept throug Starfleet when the Borg were identified as a threat by their encounter with the USS Enterprise in system J-25 The new Valiant was put into active service just one year later as a Sovereign class starship. Defiant as its most famous craft. Starfleet abandoned the project when the Borg threat became less urgent and design … Starfleet abandoned the project when the Borg threat became less urgent and after design … This ship is armed so heavily that it could give a Defiant class a run for its money. Da das Schiff zwar über leistungsstarke Waffen verfügt, aber die Energiesysteme unausgewogen sind, macht der Warpantrieb des Schiffes Probleme. Außer Dienst 2 Jahre (Standard)[8] 26[3] Lande-fähigkeit The Defiant-class starship was officially classified as an escort, but began development in … 2[3] FIG-2-Impulsantriebe (0,9 c)[6] Vorgänger The Defiant class was initiated in 2365 as a crash programme to develop a starship capable of fighting and defeating the Borg. 2[6] - 3[15] Verteidigung USS Warspite: Unknown Appears in the novel Star Trek: The Fall – A Ceremony of Losses. Defiant was lost between dimensions for several hours, until it finally faded forever into interspace.. Due to adverse affects on humanoid neurophysiology, caused by the interphased space, the crew of the Defiant went insane. Each piece of art represents a conflict the Defiant-class has seen service in over the course of Star Trek Online's history. We learn who we truly are when we face oblivion. 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