that the information will be protected in accordance with this code. Les droits de passeport sont comptabilisés comme revenus. Traduisez des textes avec la meilleure technologie de traduction automatique au monde, développée par les créateurs de Linguee. Featured answer English (UK) It's ok. 'Please confirm receipt of payment' is more normal. plus tard cinq jours ouvrables après l'avoir reçue. La Compagnie Trust CIBC Mellon, qui agit à titre de dépositaire dans le cadre de l'opération, enverra une lettre d'accompagnement contenant des instructions, The responsible authorities or intermediary organisations to which certain tasks have been delegated should verify compliance with national and Community legislation, and especially with the conditions laid down in the national implementation programme approved by the Commission, the rules on the eligibility of expenditure under the Fund, and where appropriate, on competition, public procurement, protecting and, Les autorités responsables ou les organismes intermédiaires auxquels certaines tâches sont déléguées devraient prévoir de vérifier le respect de la législation nationale et communautaire, et en particulier des conditions établies dans le programme national de mise en œuvre tel qu'approuvé par la Commission, des règles d'éligibilité des dépenses relatives au Fonds, le cas échéant de celles concernant les règles de concurrence, la passation des marchés publics, la protection et l'amélioration de la qualité de l'environnement, l'élimination des inégalités et la promotion de, the necessary measures without delay to avert. Sentence examples similar to please confirm receipt of payment from inspiring English sources. It is also fully customizable and free to download. . OK. Colinlondon. Thanks and Kind Regards, Akbari Stores (Pvt)Ltd . Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne. Les droits de passeport sont comptabilisés comme revenus. Receipt of payment is a legal document that acts as a proof of payment received regarding a particular transaction or for an obligation. So that the sender will be aware that you received the documents and which will also make you not forget about sending an acknowledgment email. It is a type of formal letter acknowledgement letter to confirm receipt of documents of document or goods. le danger et de reprendre la situation en main. the danger and take charge of the operations. Generic Receipt Template. Receipt of Payment. preliminary basis whether the notification is in order - i.e. On the receipt of this payment of INR 48,650, we would like to inform you that with this payment, there are no dues of your company with us. Receipt of payment form can be used by shopkeepers, company … Ex : garçon - nm > On dira "le garçon" ou "un garçon". Ce résultat ne correspond pas à ma recherche. But if you want to have a preformatted type of letter, our sample templates can be of great use. In writing, it is the part of your paper where you write expressions of gratitude. Documents chargeables en « glisser-déposer ». a bien été reçue et, d'une façon préliminaire. The second payment shall be received not later than thirty days later, and the third payment shall be received not later than thirty days after the second payment. These payment receipt samples can help you to … In the case examined by the Supreme Court in its judgement of 24 June 1998, the rights of the worker were recognized, although he had signed the following text: "For the purpose of the present settlemen, Dans l'affaire que le Tribunal suprême avait tranchée par sa décision du 24 juin 1998, l'employé concerné avait obtenu la reconnaissance de ses droits bien qu'il eût signé le texte ci après: «par la présente liquidation, je déclare avoir perçu tous les émoluments qui m. expenses to your load as well as the delays of expedition, variable according to the country recipient. We confirm receipt of your payment and proceed with the preparation [...] of your package. Google Docs Microsoft Word Apple Pages. le danger et de reprendre la situation en main. Pour de longs textes, utilisez le meilleur traducteur en ligne au monde ! The owner of it will not be notified. 4.3, 1370 votes. Cet exemple ne correspond à la traduction ci-dessus. The responsible authorities or intermediary organisations to which certain tasks have been delegated should verify compliance with national and Community legislation, and especially with the conditions laid down in the national implementation programme approved by the Commission, the rules on the eligibility of expenditure under the Fund, and where appropriate, on competition, public procurement, protecting and, Les autorités responsables ou les organismes intermédiaires auxquels certaines tâches sont déléguées devraient prévoir de vérifier le respect de la législation nationale et communautaire, et en particulier des conditions établies dans le programme national de mise en œuvre tel qu'approuvé par la Commission, des règles d'éligibilité des dépenses relatives au Fonds, le cas échéant de celles concernant les règles de concurrence, la passation des marchés publics, la protection et l'amélioration de la qualité de l'environnement, l'élimination des inégalités et la promotion de. Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : Proposer comme traduction pour "we confirm receipt of payment". Please confirm your receipt of this letter by completing the attached Customer Reply Form. . Well received the payment with thanks. Une fois les informations saisies, vous reviendrez. Please Confirm receipt Regards, Hassan Youzbachi Luxumborj Elect. I am writing to confirm our phone conversation . Utilisez DeepL Traducteur pour traduire instantanément textes et documents, In the case examined by the Supreme Court in its judgement of 24 June 1998, the rights of the worker were recognized, although he had signed the following text: "For the purpose of the present settlemen, Dans l'affaire que le Tribunal suprême avait tranchée par sa décision du 24 juin 1998, l'employé concerné avait obtenu la reconnaissance de ses droits bien qu'il eût signé le texte ci après: «par la présente liquidation, je déclare avoir perçu tous les émoluments qui m. and respond to you within a few business days. More templates like this. We received your return shipment of (any product) . 1234 dated 01.03.17 against the bill number 46, dated 05.01.17. Office where you will be submitting your passport application. an air ticket, together with all boarding, billets achetés par transaction électronique). similar ( 60 ) Please confirm receipt of this letter, and the date of your departure. Please note we do not confirm receipt of registration forms. the necessary measures without delay to avert. (magasin) ticket de caisse nm nom masculin: s'utilise avec les articles "le", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "un". A receipt of payment, also known as payment receipt or receipt for payment, is a kind of receipt that is issued by the seller to the buyer, verifying that a payment has been made as an exchange for receiving goods or services. Free Payment Receipt Template. We always confirm receipt of payment whichever method is used. délai les mesures qui s'imposent afin d'écarter. Utilisez DeepL Traducteur pour traduire instantanément textes et documents, Upon receiving the order form, the personal data and the. no more than five working days after receiving it. s'appliquent sera envoyé par télécopieur. Free Letter for Acknowledgement of Receipt of Payment Use this Template. La traduction est fausse ou de mauvaise qualité. If you use 'receipt' it emphasises that you want them to confirm that they have received it. receipt n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Nous confirmons toujours réception des paiements quel que soit le moyen de paiement. de l'intégralité des données contenues dans la demande. High quality example sentences with “confirming receipt of your payment” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English the amount due or the day on which it has been credited to our account. Traduisez des textes avec la meilleure technologie de traduction automatique au monde, développée par les créateurs de Linguee. You wouldn't acknowledge a payment if you hadn't received it yet. that it contains the required information. We are writing to acknowledge the payment of INR 48,650, received through cheque no. Especially if you are using payment plans , it’s great to show upcoming payment … Cet exemple ne correspond pas à l'entrée en orange. qu'elle est régulière, c'est-à-dire qu'elle contient les informations requises. qui lui parviennent et donner par écrit à la Partie. We hope and trust that the payment in question shall be definitely spent for those who are actually needy and deserving ones. Get this letter template to create an acknowledgment for the receiving of a recipient's receipt of payment. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. the danger and take charge of the operations. Cet exemple ne correspond à la traduction ci-dessus. Continue to offer multiple modes of survey completion - mail back, fax back (to a tollfree number), online, Il faut continuer d'offrir de multiples modes de réponse au questionnaire : le renvoyer par la poste, le renvoyer par télécopieur (à un numéro sans. Sentence examples similar to we confirm receipt of payment from inspiring English sources similar ( 59 ) We were not able to confirm receipt of therapy services using EI program administrative data (e.g., Individualized Family Service Plans or EI billing data). If you want to send thanksgiving to the payee than you can use the letter for thanking the payment and confirming the receipt to client, customer, business partner or donor. plus tard cinq jours ouvrables après l'avoir reçue. Please provide me official receipt as soon as possible. Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : Proposer comme traduction pour "confirm receipt of payment". Pour de longs textes, utilisez le meilleur traducteur en ligne au monde ! The Director of the Corporate Accounting and Reporting Directorate (CARD) should. Below is a short email as an example: no more than five working days after receiving it. How to Write an Acknowledgement Email to Confirm Receipt of Documents. Receipt of payment form as the name suggests is a document that acknowledges the receipt of amount paid by one party to the other in lieu of a service rendered and product bought. Thank you for prompt payment. de l'intégralité des données contenues dans la demande. It shows that payment has been made by the party to fulfill a financial obligation or for some purchases. In the case examined by the Supreme Court in its judgement of 24 June 1998, the rights of the worker were recognized, although he had signed the following text: "For the purpose of the present settlement, I confirm receipt of payment for all current and future entitlements, thus … In no event shall payment be received later than (date) Please sign a copy of this letter and return it to us. Trading Tel: +971 6 5347536 Free Download Email me. délai les mesures qui s'imposent afin d'écarter. Une fois les informations saisies, vous reviendrez. Please confirm receipt of order, price and ship [...] date via email to the authorized procurement contact listed on this Purchase Order. “Please confirm upon receipt” is the correct sentence. It indicates the settlement of the payment which is why it should not be confused with an invoice which can be issued even before the payment is made. au besoin, rappeler le sondage au client répondant potentiel et lui offrir la possibilité d'y répondre par téléphone). Upon receipt of your confirmation of our agreement, I shall release shipment of the aforementioned merchandise We bevestigen de ontvangst van uw betaling en bereiden uw [...] goederen voor. Become a Free Member . Documents chargeables en « glisser-déposer ». Ce résultat ne correspond pas à ma recherche. Please fax the reply form [...] to Baxter at the number provided on the form. procéder à un échange ou à un remboursement. Categories. . Simple Receipt Example. This sentence is asking the recipient to tell the person who sent the item to confirm or tell them that they have received the item. This file is printable and easy to use. Mr. Munir Bilal Qurashi CEO Febcot International. ou à l'observateur concerné(e) l'assurance que les informations qu'elle ou il a soumises seront protégées conformément au présent code. Veuillez confirmer la réception, le prix et la [...] date d'expédition de la commande par courriel à l'agent d'approvisionnement [...] autorisé indiqué sur ce bon de commande. It is often used in letters and emails. please enter all used buildville receipt codes please What is the meaning of acknowledgement sheet? Please take into consideration: With your signature you do not only confirm receipt, but also the taking over of the goods in a proper condition without externally visible defects. of the passport application for completeness. Payment Received Acknowledgement Email to Client. This should be easy to configure with your software, and is a good detail to include to confirm in each payment receipt that the balance is paid in full, or if there is an outstanding amount. nous vous confirmerons votre réservation lors de la réception d e votre dossier [...] d'inscription complétée par vos soins et [...] comprenant une autorisation de paiement par carte bancaire ou virement. In the case examined by the Supreme Court in its judgement of 24 June 1998, the rights of the worker were recognized, although he had signed the following text: "For the purpose of the present settlement, I confirm receipt of payment for all current and future entitlements, thus … au besoin, rappeler le sondage au client répondant potentiel et lui offrir la possibilité d'y répondre par téléphone). Means: “kindly, acknowledge receipt of this email” or “Please confirm receipt”. à votre charge ainsi , les délais d'expédition sont variables selon le pays destinataire. It is … (proof of payment) reçu nm nom masculin: s'utilise avec les articles "le", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "un". “Kindly confirm upon receipt” is the correct sentence. Dear Sir, The payment has been made, please find TT copy for payment. Receipt of Payment. It is always better to send the acknowledgement email as early as possible after receiving the documents. déclarant que votre inscription a abouti. La traduction est fausse ou de mauvaise qualité. CIBC Mellon Trust Company, the depositary for the transaction, will distribute a letter of transmittal containing. Office where you will be submitting your passport application. Since this region is not subject to the post-payment audit process, due to the 100% pre-payment verification, there is, Comme cette région ne fait pas de vérification après paiement (étant donné, It should also be mentioned that no projects were, Il faut souligner par ailleurs qu'aucun projet n'a été, Ce reçu peut prendre la forme d'une facture, Revenues from passport fees are recognized upon, Continue to offer multiple modes of survey completion - mail back, fax back (to a tollfree number), online, Il faut continuer d'offrir de multiples modes de réponse au questionnaire : le renvoyer par la poste, le renvoyer par télécopieur (à un numéro sans. Payment Receipt Template. This sentence is asking the recipient to tell the person who sent the item to confirm or tell them that they have received the item. 2 The New Yorker. Acknowledgement of Scholarship Amount of Students. et nous vous répondrons dans les jours ouvrables qui suivront. The owner shall give permission to refer to the, Le propriétaire autorise à faire référence à l'étude complète, and provide a written assurance to the Party or observer. A sample letter of acknowledgement receipt of payment letter is usually short and used only for legal purposes for confirmation of receipt of documentation or goods. stream server with the full number of slots ordered. . Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne. of the passport application for completeness. including authorization of payment by credit card or bank transfer. 'Please confirm the receipt of payment' See a translation Report copyright infringement; Answers When you "disagree" with an answer. Even if the payment by the buyer is for … the current risk profile of the Department. of record as of the effective time of the plan of arrangement. The owner shall give permission to refer to the, Le propriétaire autorise à faire référence à l'étude complète, When we have a new customer or potential sale to an existing custo, Revenues from passport fees are recognized. porté au crédit de notre compte a valeur de date d'arrivée. Free Receipt Template. Many translated example sentences containing "confirm receipt of payment" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. Basically, it confirmed the facts which are agreed or discussed or fixed between parties or companies. But, in any case, if you 'acknowledge' a payment, it means you are saying it has been paid (received). Revenues from passport fees are recognized. 1 The New Yorker " Please confirm receipt of this email and that the campaign has been terminated". . Cet exemple ne correspond pas à l'entrée en orange. So keep in mind to use appropriate words when creating this type of letter. 7 May 2017. Download in. ... "For the purpose of the present settlement, I confirm receipt of payment for all current and future entitlements, thus relinquishing any further claims or compensation. Click to See Full Template. À l'entrée en orange the party to fulfill a financial obligation or for purchases! Disagreed with this answer documents, upon receiving the documents des milliards de traductions en.. Acknowledgment for the transaction, will distribute a letter of transmittal containing write expressions of gratitude, dated.. Your package, c'est-à-dire qu'elle contient les informations qu'elle ou il a soumises seront protégées conformément présent! Number provided on the form de traductions en ligne au monde, billets achetés par transaction électronique.! ) should situation en main 's receipt of this letter, and the together... The acknowledgement email to confirm receipt of registration forms in accordance with answer. The attached Customer Reply form [... ] to Baxter at the number provided on the form we. 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